Obama Arrested!!!!

Matt Snyder Filed Under: Labels: ,
I wouldn't lie to you would I?

Is it true that Obama was arrested? Yes.

What was he arrested for? Possession of Marijuana.

Can he be impeached? No.

Why not? He's not the President.

Today, George Obama, President Obama's half-brother, was arrested by Kenyan police on the charge of possession of marijuana. Although he is behind bars, Obama denies the allegations.

I told you I wouldn't lie...

Before you go making assumptions, President Obama barely knows his half brother. Although they have met before. I imagine it wasn't a very pleasant meeting, as President Obama only describes the meeting as a "painful affair".

I can only imagine what ran through the Presidents head when he arrived at his half-brothers home...

"Nice hutt you got there..."

Ok that was mean...I'm done.

Question of the day: If you could, what day would you relive?

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The Thinking Minority

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2 Responses to "Obama Arrested!!!!"

  1. Nicole Says:
  2. oh you tricky bastard you. thought you could fool me eh?

    for some reason i just can't picture obama (the president) visiting obama (the brother) over in africa. i can see obama(the brother) wanting to shake his hand and obama (the president) being like "no way man, i don't want aids...." because when was the last time you heard of a potential presidential candidate with aids?
  3. Matt Snyder Says:
  4. Either way I'm not sure if he'd be in office anyways.

    Ouch...that was uber mean.

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